At Aarhus CrossFit we are here for you.
If you have any questions about our memberships, classes or anything else, we are ready to help you.

However, below we’ve answered some of the most common questions we’ve been asked, so take a look and see if there’s an answer you’re looking for.


You can book a free intro class by signing up HERE.

We can’t wait to introduce you to CrossFit and our cool place at the harbor 😊

As an active member of Aarhus CrossFit, you are always welcome to support your friend through the intro class.

Your friend signs up via the website and you draw a box ticket on the day at the reception.

Have a great time!


Membership can be suspended for a minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 6 months.
The start and end date of the suspension period must be stated at the start of the suspension period.
Membership can be suspended up to 4 times per year.
per year.
It is not possible to put a membership on hold during a notice period, and any suspension is canceled if the membership is terminated.

You can suspend your membership yourself by logging in via the website.

You can unsubscribe online by logging in via the following link and then clicking on the “membership” tab.

Please note that the notice period is current month + 1 month.

You can become a member of Aarhus CrossFit via our webshop here on the website or at the reception.

If you need help setting up your membership, please contact us at and we will of course help you.

You can change your membership number and password at the reception or by sending an email to

You can get your password by sending an email to

By default, it is the first 4 digits of your date of birth (e.g. 1012).

You can get your membership number by sending an email to


You can sign up here on the website by clicking on the member login link.
Then enter your login information.
Select the class and click sign up.

You can sign up until 30 minutes before the class starts and it is only possible to book/attend 1 class per day.
It is possible to join more than one class per day if there are places available a few minutes before the class starts.
It is not possible to sign up for classes via email or by phone.

You can unsubscribe here on the website by clicking on the member login link.
Then enter your login information.
Select the class and click unsubscribe.

You can unsubscribe until 2 hours before the class starts.


If you pay via PBS and your payment has been completed, you have no reason to worry, we receive every d.
11 of the month we receive a message from PBS about which payments have been completed/failed.
If your payment has failed, you will receive an email asking you to make a payment.
If you have changed your bank details, please send them to and pay in person at the reception or by submitting a payment form until ‘Aarhus Crossfit’ appears in your PBS overview again.

If you are not present for your booking 5 min.
before the class starts, you will swap places with members on a waiting list and receive a fine of DKK 40 for late arrival.
You can still join the class if there is room, but you will still receive the fine.

If you fail to show up for your booking, you will also be noted with a fine on your membership and the upcoming invoice.

You can unsubscribe up to 2 hours before the class starts via the app or online booking – and of course you can always call us.


The most common reasons for not being able to book classes are the following:

  • You are trying to book for an hour too close to the start of class (Booking must be done at least 30 min before class start.)
  • You are trying to book for more than 1 class per day.
  • Your membership has expired.
  • Your membership is on hold.
  • Non-payment of dues.

If it is not one of the above reasons, please contact us at

The reason for this is lack of internet connection, please try again later.

You cannot book/cancel via email or phone call.

There can be 2 reasons for this error:

1) You have a 10-trip card with no more points or the card has expired.

2) With your membership you can book/attend 1 class per day.
If you have already been booked/attended a class, it is not possible to book more classes on this day, but you are very welcome to join another class if there is room when everyone who has booked has had the opportunity to attend.

If you experience a completely different error, please contact the reception at