Joy, Resilience, Openness, Competence


GRÅK is a non-profit organization that aims to support vulnerable young people and young adults aged 13-30 living in Aarhus Municipality in rediscovering the joy of movement and community.

Through a new concept – called Playfulness – which is a combination of mentalization, movement pedagogy, community and mentoring, the association supports the young people in being trained to enter into social relationships and achieve a stronger self-understanding in the association’s free space.

The primary goal is for young people to find the joy and courage to participate in communities through movement, which can help strengthen their self-confidence and give them a grip on life.
Secondarily, the goal is to get young people into education or employment.
Ultimately, GRÅK wants to support young people in improving their

conditions and become actors in their own lives.

  • GRÅK stands for Joy, Robustness, Openness, Competence.

Anyone who wants to support the association’s purpose can become a member.
You are a member of

the association when the membership is registered.
Both natural and legal persons may be admitted as members.
The membership fee for each type of member is set each year at the annual general meeting.

GRÅK is founded in collaboration between the following people:

  • Kåre Fisker, Affiliate Manager Aarhus Crossfit
  • Sarah Jarsbo, general manager at Bylivskontoret Sydhavnen – and part of the Advisory Board at Kirkens Korshær Aarhus
  • Niels Bjørnø, Regional Manager at Danish Church Aid
  • Mads Krarup, lawyer and owner of Mads Krarup Law Firm
  • Maja Pilgaard, PhD and former research director at the Danish Sports Research Institute

GRÅK, Balticagade 8, 8000 Aarhus C.

If you have any questions or want to know more about the GRÅK association, please send an email to:

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